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🔑 Unlock your influence with the right questions.

Discover how Stanford’s communication expert, Matt Abrahams, reveals the secret to becoming a more influential and empathetic leader.

One key change in how you talk can influence people, says communication expert. 

Some people believe that asking questions—whether to friends, colleagues, or superiors—can come across as a sign of insecurity. However, according to Matt Abrahams, a Stanford University lecturer, this simple act can help you gain influence over the people you interact with.  

“Asking a question puts you in a position of power,” Abrahams explains to CNBC Make It. “By asking a challenging question, I can raise my own status while lowering the other person’s status.” 
Good questions, Abrahams notes, convey care, empathy, and a willingness to learn. In some cases, they also demonstrate humility, as they imply you don’t know everything. Effective leaders often strike a balance between credibility and humility, creating strong connections with those around them. 

In business, investing, and financial matters, the ability to ask good questions is particularly crucial. In business, asking insightful questions can help you better understand market needs, identify opportunities, and make informed decisions.  

 Investors who ask the right questions about a company’s strategy, financial health, and growth prospects are more likely to make sound investments and avoid pitfalls. 

When handling financial matters, whether personal or professional, asking pertinent questions can reveal hidden risks, opportunities for savings, and ways to optimize investments. A well-placed question can uncover crucial details that might not be immediately apparent, leading to better financial decisions and outcomes. 

 However, not every question will give you an advantage. It’s essential to understand how, when, and why you’re asking a question to ensure it has a positive impact. 

The Ingredients of a Good Question: 

  • Concise: Keep it short and focused to prevent distractions. 
  • Relevant: Build on what the other person has said to advance the conversation. 
  • On-topic: Ensure the question relates to a specific idea or the current discussion. 

Mastering the art of asking good questions takes practice. Start with casual conversations, treating them as opportunities to learn more about the person or topic. Before asking any question, Abrahams advises you to consider your purpose. And always remember to listen carefully before asking anything. 

You can always request a free consultation with our team of expert advisors, who will serve as your strategic allies throughout the entire process. Contact us now to take the first step in transforming your life and that of your family: invest@visasolutions.com  

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