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TikTok’s response to economic stress.

As #UnderconsumptionCore trends, people are cutting back on spending and embracing mindful consumption.

Despite many Americans claiming they live paycheck to paycheck, there’s still a tendency to overspend, particularly on impulse buys that pop up on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. 

 The latest financial trend on TikTok, #UnderconsumptionCore, encourages people to appreciate what they already have and resist the urge to keep buying new things. This trend has gained traction at a time when many are feeling financially squeezed, and economic confidence is beginning to waver, according to Brett House, an economics professor at Columbia Business School. “It’s a recurring movement, closely tied to the state of the economy,” he said. 

Underconsumption is not a new concept; it has resurfaced during other economic downturns, such as the early 1990s, the dot-com crash in the early 2000s, and the Great Recession, House pointed out. “The aesthetics might change, but the core idea of simplifying and cutting back remains consistent.” 

The resurgence of #UnderconsumptionCore is also driven by a growing interest in intentional and sustainable living. With inflation still high, many Americans are feeling the strain, having exhausted their savings and relying on credit cards to make ends meet. Simultaneously, movements like conscious consumerism and de-influencing are gaining traction, both aiming to curb social media-driven spending. 

 “The longevity of this trend depends on how long the economy remains sluggish and wages continue to lag behind rising prices,” House added. 

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